Why Wearing Contact Lenses Properly Maximizes Your Best Eye Health

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  • Why Wearing Contact Lenses Properly Maximizes Your Best Eye Health

Wear your contact lenses as prescribed by your Doctor of Optometry. Your optometrist prescribes contact lenses to provide you sharp and comfortable vision. Your contact lenses are medical devices prescribed with a specific material, curvature, diameter and prescription that will enhance your vision. You must wear your contact lenses as prescribed for the number of hours daily, weekly and monthly as directed by your doctor. Overuse of your contact lenses can lead to red eyes, itchy eyes, infection, inflammation and even the inability to wear contact lenses in the future. Contact lens over wear is a leading cause of blurry vision or unhealthy eyes because deposits can build on the lenses. The contact lens deposits cause the sensitive cornea and conjunctiva (front tissues of the eye) to swell and become red. Wearing and cleaning your contact lenses as directed by your Doctor of Optometry will provide you with not only clear and comfortable vision but also healthy eyes. All contact lenses need to be replaced routinely and your optometrist will instruct you how often to dispose of your lenses to ensure this. Most disposable lenses require use of a multipurpose cleaning solution daily to disinfect your lenses and store the lenses properly. Your contact lenses also may serve as a cosmetic medical product that changes the color of your eyes or provides ultraviolet protection to your eyes. Contact lenses are used to deliver medical treatment and protection to eyes for corneal abrasion. Using your contact lenses properly is a top way to maximize your eye health and vision.


About the author:
Dr. Lamont Bunyon is an award-winning optometrist and optometry practice coach who teaches fellow optometrists how to launch and grow their practices to leave a legacy without limiting their lifestyle. He is the owner of Special Eye Care, a community based private optometry practice serving Prince George’s County, Maryland and surrounding areas since 2005. He volunteers extensively with the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. and the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. mentoring young people. Dr. Lamont is father to two young sons, Micah and Madden and husband to fellow Doctor of Optometry, Dr. Mesheca. Dr. Bunyon can reached at DrLamontOD.com or on all social media @DrLamontOD. For optometrists looking to launch or grow their practice he can reached at superherodoc.com, his platform to empower optometrists to better serve their communities

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